5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Home Inspector

Most people conduct a home inspection before they buy a home. While this is more expected, you can also have a home inspection several months prior to you selling your home or just for personal reasons. It can offer you several benefits and help you understand what you are getting into with regards to buying a home; give you the advanced notice of what you need to repair before you sell your home; or keep your home in its best possible condition.
So this new year make it a resolution to check various parts of your house over the year. Better yet call in a home inspector to do a professional assessment of your house. This way, you can keep ahead of the costs when it comes time to sell or keep you up with your home needs.
1. Saves time - Scrutinizing every corner of your property for defects is no easy task. It’s impossible to detect every flaw, especially if you don’t know what to look for. What’s worse is having to deal with the trouble all year round. A certified home inspector can find out every fault in one visit. That way you spend less time on renovation and at the same time it can make your home look like new. Some aspects of your house that qualified home inspectors are trained to look for include faulty or bare wires, structural cracks, leaky plumbing system, chimney problems, roof structures, the integrity of the support structure in your house, doors and windows etc. They also can do a mold and water quality test. Ask your home inspector what various services they are certified to provide and be sure you are doing everything you can to keep your home up to par or your potential new home.
2. Saves money - Sometimes it can be too late to repair a part of your house if proper care is not taken in time. Home inspectors can prevent you from major problems and expenses by exposing parts of your house that need immediate care. By following their professional advice you can maintain your home and take all the preventive measures necessary to save yourself unnecessary expense and headaches. Further, if you are looking to buy and find out a house will need a lot more repair, renovation and care than you are looking to invest, this can be a huge money saver.
3. Keep you safe in your home - Although some squeaking in the stairs might be acceptable, you should be serious about the health of your house, especially if it is an older home that’s beginning to show signs of weakness. A home inspector can offer you peace of mind if you happen to find yourself in such a situation. They can assess your property for any structural damages caused due to old age or natural disasters like floods or wind damage.
4. Clear doubts - A home inspector can provide you with a detailed and unbiased report on a house repair or remodeling work that was done recently; or show a prior home inspection report and compare to a newer one showing the house condition has changed. They can identify whether everything was done according to correct construction standards or if any shortcuts were taken. If you are having any doubts regarding a plumbing or electrical repair work that was done to your house recently you can hire a certified home inspector to clear your doubts.
5. Drives home value - Doing a pre-inspection of your home before you plan on selling it can benefit you greatly and drive up its resale value when you make the repairs or modifications before it goes on the market. You will get a fair review of your house and will leave no chance for the buyer to gain the upper hand in repair negotiations. This can save you from any unexpected faults or surprises that your buyer can exploit to drive down the price of your home.
Your home is the biggest material investments that you have ever made or ever will which is why it only makes sense to take care of your house so you can live in it safely for years to come or be able to part with it knowing that you took good care of it.
Should you have any questions about the home inspection services A-Action provides to the Greater Houston area, please contact us and/or check out our inspection services. If you are ready to get started, please feel free to schedule your home inspection here.