Beach Home or Vacation Nightmare?
A Galveston inspection is always fun because the wind, salt, and sand creates the perfect petrie dish for damage and pests.
My Easy Inspection Day
In this video I check out two very easy, well built homes. There is nothing so sweet as a nice easy inspection day!
1.5 Million Dollar Stucco Crack
In this video I was ask to re-inspect a 1.5 million home 3 months after sale, the client noticed that his exterior walls were cracking and f
What's Under the House!?!?
In this video I crawl into a teeny tiny crawlspace only to find that the toilet is flushing directly under the house, instead of flowing out
What’s Under the Hood – A Home Inspection
Buying a house can be daunting in that you really don’t know what you are getting into, fully, until you move in and live in it for...