Visual Stucco Inspection - The Houston Home Inspector
This week's video Today I walk around and complete a visual stucco inspection on a 2000 property. I show some common finds that I find on...
Inspection Routine, Multi Inspection Owner Interview, Sewer Scope Scan - Home Inspection Whisperer
This week's video Today Clayton (Green Scene Home Inspections) and I just talk about some random topics in the inspection industry. ...
1960s Home Inspection W/ Home Inspection Whisperer - The Houston Home Inspector
This week's video I create videos to help better inform home Inspectors, buyers, sellers, and realtors on how to find everyday problems...
The HomeGirls Season Finale: Code
This week's video Our season 3 finale tackles Building Codes! The idea of Building Codes seems pretty straight forward until you consider...
Matt is Back (Termites, Social Media, and Interview) - The Houston Home Inspector Podcast
This week's video Today we talk about how I handled a termite complaint; answer some followers' questions; and discuss how Matt handles...