1920s-1940s Investment Flip
This week we're bringing you along on a 1920s-1940s investment flip! Chris walks through a pretty decent investment property. Chris...

Home Inspector Missed Missing Insulation!
This week we're bringing you along on an attic inspection. A client reached out and asked us to take a look at his attic because he had...

Home Flipper Cutting Corners - Part 2
Today we're bringing you part 2 of Monday's video! Here's the next flip home we inspected! Like we've said before flip homes definitely...

1980s Property FLIPPED - Part 1
This week we're bringing everyone along on 1980s flipped home inspection! Like we've said before flip homes definitely bring all kinds of...

1960s 2200 sq ft. Property - Home Inspection - Roof Damage, Foundation, & More
This week we're bringing everyone along on a 1960s 2200 square foot home inspection! Flip homes can be a hit or miss, but this one isn't...

2012 5500 Sq Ft Property - Stucco Inspection and Home inspection - The Houston Home Inspector
In todays video I cover some normal finds on a stucco home, pool finds, and general maintenance items that inspectors will call out.

45 Home Problems in 15 Minutes
This week we're coming at you with a brand new compilation video. We compiled some clips taken by several of our inspectors over the past...

1961 Home Inspection - The Houston Home Inspector
On today video Tyler and I inspect a 1961 Property. It is very common for us to find something on a structure. Remember all properties...

1981 Home Inspection - The Houston Home Inspector
Today I do a quick walk through on a 1981 structure. Yes the property has some defects but it does not mean it is going to be a bad home....

Investment Property Strategy - Part Two
Today we're bringing you the second part of the investment property strategies you can use when looking at an investment property. Chris...