The HomeGirls Season 4 Episode 2: Fireplaces
This week's video Here is our live recording of the newest episode of The HomeGirls! This week we're discussing fireplaces!

The HomeGirls Season 4 Episode 3: Sprinkler Systems
This week's video Here is our live recording of the newest episode of The HomeGirls! This week we're discussing sprinkler systems!

Inspecting a Massive Property
This week's video Welcome to a brand new video. This week we're inspecting a 6,000+ sq ft. home! Let's go check it out!

Helping First Time Home Buyers Look at Properties
This week's video Welcome to a brand new video. This week we're helping some first-time home buyers look at properties. Let's go check it...

A Flip House that is GOOD? What?
This week's video In this week's video, we get to go through one of the better flip homes believe it or not. Let's go check it out!

The HomeGirls Season 4 Episode 1: EIFS
This week's video Here is our live recording of the newest season premiere of The HomeGirls! This week we're discussing EIFS, it's...

48 Home Problems in 12 Minutes
This week's video This week we're coming at you with a brand new compilation video. We compiled some clips taken by several of our...

Internachi, ASHI, and New Home Inspection Questions - The Houston Home Inspector
This week's video I create videos to help better inform home Inspectors, buyers, sellers, and realtors on how to find everyday problems...

PodCast Client and Home Inspector Relationships - W/ Keri Josephson -The Houston Home Inspector
This week's video https://www.toolexperts.com/en/ Michael Conrad - Lives in Nashville Tennessee Today we are going to talk about the...

Business Set Up Advice - Home Inspection Podcast - The Houston Home Inspector
This week's video https://2021.ashi-hla.org/ https://www.nachi.org/texas-convention/ https://homeiw.myshopify.com/ I create videos to...